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SAAS Platform Development

Software as a service is a software licensing and delivery model in which software is licensed on a subscription basis and is centrally hosted. Users can access it with the help of web browsers.

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Case Study: Pricemate

Multi-channel end to end inventory management SaaS system built for online retailers   to manage their business across multiple channels like eBay, Amazon, Shopify, etc.

SAAS (Software as a service) platform Architecture

SaaS is a common delivery model for many business applications, including office and messaging software, management software,virtualization etc.

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Why migrate your desktop apps to Saas?

There is a strong adoption of the Software-as-a-service(SaaS) model ever since the inception of cloud computing. People have gone from traditional software licensing model to monthly subscription model. The user adoption of the pay as you go model is tremendous and there is a huge spike in conversion. Thanks to the Cloud!

Its 2023 and if you are still thinking about migrating your desktop based application to a web-based SaaS application, then you may not be too late. Either you had no competition or your competitors are slower than you. In any case, you need to understand that SaaS businesses involve regular monthly operational costs for hosting your app and a strong team who is experienced in building and maintaining an application on the cloud.

1. Easy maintenance: Software updates can be pushed more frequently and bug fixes can be done faster
2. No more hassle of maintaining multiple versions of the same product
3. Easy onboarding of customers: Your customers can click their way through your website and self sign up
4. Regular monthly stream of revenue as opposed to a one time or yearly license
5. Enhanced user experience: Your users can on the fly access their data and perform operations on the go by accessing your product through the web browser

1. Zero downtime: You need to ensure that your product is always up and running. If not you might lose customers quickly
2. SaaS platform architecture should be robust and should be capable of handling heavy load
3. Monthly operational cost: You need to pay cloud hosting providers like AWS, Azure, GCP, Hero or Digital Ocean to host you application

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